Kimberley Raster 50k USB - Greg Harewood

1:50,000 and 1:100,000 scale topographic mapping for the Kimberley region of Western Australia in .ozf and .ecw format. . Compatible with OziExplorer, TrackRanger and GIS programs. Includes 1:100,000 scale mosaic plus 438 individual detailed topographic map tiles at 1:50,000 scale all loaded onto 16Gb USB flash drive.
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Publisher Geoscience Australia
Description 438 50k army topographic maps in .ozf and .ecw formats. 100k Kimberley Region mosaic in .ecw format. 250k Australia mosaic in .ecw format. All with OziExplorer calibration file. Name search database. DEM data. Travel survival manual. Compiled by Greg Harewood.
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