Dargo Wonnangatta Adventure Map - Rooftop Maps
Map coverage is in the North Gippsland Mountain Region from Licola to Mount Hotham and from Briagolong to the Buckland Valley and everything in between including access routes into Wonnangatta Station, the Crooked River goldfields, Upper Dargo goldfields and Mitchell River National Park.
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RT DargWon
Publisher | Rooftop Maps |
Description | Dargo Wonnangatta Adventure Map - Rooftop Maps, 3rd edition, waterproof. Map coverage is in the North Gippsland Mountain Region from Licola to Mount Hotham and from Briagolong to the Buckland Valley and everything in between including access routes into Wonnangatta Station, the Crooked River goldfields, Upper Dargo goldfields and Mitchell River National Park. As well as detailed road and track information, there are lots of useful tips and warnings noted against various tracks. The first edition was finalised after the 2003 bushfires and appropriate notes have been recorded regarding the survival or destruction of huts. The fire boundary is also shown. Scale is 1:100,000. The reverse side has a 1:50,000 scale enlargement titles Dargo - Howitt Plains Forest Activities Map providing more detail for Wonnangatta valley, Crooked River and the Howitt Plains near Licola. |
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